Archive | July, 2013

Food Prep Partners, Beach Buddies, Safari Animal Seekers

6 Jul

After coming to the realization that having weekends off is AMAZING – the first goal I set was to make every weekend count (and of course, something worth putting here, on the memory books). What I mean by that is taking on activities that I don’t normally do – go on adventures in new places, try different food; however, it also includes seeing friends and family more and ensuring I get things done to start Monday off right.

Here is how the first two weeks went.

Saturday, June 29th: Moonlight Beach in Encinitas with Nick and his parents, followed by a fabulous home cooked meal at their house.

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Sunday, June 30th: I would consider Nick and I in the “active” category of health & fitness “How often do you exercise?”. I would also consider Nick and I in the “sensitive stomach” category for What food to eat and not eat? And why do I have to take enzymes before certain meals?. With that being said, we lived the Paleo lifestyle for quite some time, but fell off the band wagon for a while. We’ve decided to give it a go again (100% Paleo, 80% of the time) and this time make it easier for ourselves by prepping food early in the week so it’s easily accessible.

These are my Paleo Banana Apple and Cranberry muffins:

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Found on the Primal Diner website – These are Nick’s Egg & Bacon muffins and Brazillian Curry Chicken dish:

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And for snacks – we have trail mix (nuts, cranberries, coconut) and bacon (Don’t mind Nick, he needed to borrow my apron to protect from the grease – he may hate me for posting this – oops)

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Thursday, July 4th (Happy America Day!): The Original Dog Beach in Ocean Beach, followed by more animal watching at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.

Happiest Doggies on the planet! It was such a great feeling to watch Nick play chuck-it with two of his favorite things – his dogs and the ocean.

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I took roughly 50 pictures at the Safari Park, but I didn’t want to bombard you so I just gave you a taste – feel free to ask if you’d like to see more 🙂 From witnessing animals washing themselves, feeding, and a great view, I would definitely recommend the Safari Park to anyone. Although the Giraffe feeding Safari is a bit pricey ($140 pp) it would be AWESOME – I just saw the giraffes from afar and a truck of people feeding them from afar. Not quite the same, but for a Living Social deal of ($22 pp) I was satisfied.

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Oh and they have ELEPHANTS!


Every day off can’t be filled with something to remember and quote on quote something that counts. We need our rest consisting of lounging and absolutely nothing too, but I hope you get the point – Experience life as effectively and efficiently as possible and Enjoy.

art by jenna

mostly illustrations & acrylic paintings